Power scooter, zoom 220. paint gun, industrial. Baby bed. Bathroom setup-shower stall, commode with tank, stand up sink. Filing cabinet. 2 fridges, one big and small. 2 queen bed frames. Barbell set with extra weights. 334-9467
Rabbit hutch. 88 ford bronco, manual 4 wheel drive. Little house in Olden to be moved. Ring neck doves. Cages that can be used to raise baby chicks in, 7x2x3 roughly. 210-1408
L/F 1991 Buick mass air flow sensor. L/F someone who side swiped his car on Monday at Brookshire’s in Eastland. 210-1797
Play table made of plastic, kid size. 306 W. 11th in Cisco.
2 inch briggs and straton water pump, in good condition. Pressure washer, bigger one. Gas post hole digger. Front tine tiller. 433-2299
L/F young pullets, close to laying or laying already, about 4 or 5. 433-0261
21 foot beachcomber pontoon boat, 55 johnson motor, new carpet, 4 brand new captains chairs, 2 white fold back seats to put in, needs a little work on console. $1500. Big go cart, $150, needs a motor. 433-7034
16 foot ranger bass boat, 75 model, in excellent condition, 7.5 evinrude, totally rigged out. $1200. 433-3164
*Treadmill, $50 or will put it together for $75. Chair, $10. 35 horse chrysler boat motor, been sitting for years, $20. Wheelchair, $25. 4 reel to reel players, $20 for all. 2 coffee tables, one round and other oblong, $30 each. Big pile of firewood, $50 obo. Plastic coke and pepsi display shelves, $5/each. Armoir, $10. L/F someone to demolish houses. 631-6472
L/F nice, decent size fridge at a decent price. 442-4497
02 Alero, 91K miles, mostly highway miles, sporty, reddish burgandy in color, cd player, ac, tinted windows, loaded. 893-2679