Champion air evaporative cooler with custom made angle iron roll around stand, ½ horsepower, used very little, pictures available, $400. 5×3 white wrought iron table with 6 wrought iron chairs, needs a top on the table and seats on chairs, $75 for all, pics available. 631-7136

L/F camping and fishing equipment. 734-5616

Cast iron clock that works, has a pendulum, chimes, extremely old, heavy, make a good offer. 442-2534

L/F 5 gallon water container system, stands about 2 or 3 foot tall, has hot and cold, drinking water. 246-9105 or 559-5766

Push lawnmowers for sale, run very good. 442-2363

L/F goats. Dining table. 893-2679

L/F old trunk to put kids keepsakes in. 832-833-9116

Gas cookstove, $100 obo. 433-1104

Small car for sale, 2004 Kia Rio, 4 door, 113,000 miles. 488-1355

**Garage sale 610 hwy 336 in Olden on Saturday and Sunday, baby stuff and tool box

**612 S. Mulberry in Eastland, clothes , wedding dress, tools, radio, books, shoes, odds and ends.