3 bedroom house for rent in Eastland, has a one car garage, 1206 West Commerce in Eastland, large fenced in yard, house is locked but windows are open so you can look in and maintenance man can let you in later in the day. 817-994-3203

Madame Alexander doll, in the original box.  Antique washpot. Pot belly stove. Water pitcher and bowl. Other misc items. L/F someone who knows how to work on power chairs or has parts. 306 W. 11th in Cisco

*Starter for a 94 chevy V8, $30. L/F peanut butter machine. 488-1819

1998 Ford ranger, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, with a/c and cruise control, $1300. 979-0216

L/F refrigerator. 817-994-3203

**Garage Sale, 1610 North 183, Breckenridge-men’s tools, roll away toolboxes, electric scooter, electric wheelchair, Friday and saturday beginning at 8am. 559-0180