*10” Craftsman Radial Arm Saw, Kirby Vacuum Cleaner, Treadle Sewing Machine, Several Portable Sewing Machines. 918 Young St. in ranger 647-5296

2 Riding Lawnmowers need light work, Kenmore heavy duty dishwasher 150, Ricoh sp4100dn printer 200 obo. 254-210-2296

4 ft Brush Hog 350 254-433-2969

14ft stock trailer 98’ model with new spare $1500  254-629-2339

3 young roosters Give Away 254-433-1949

Lawn Mowers, Lg Swamp Cooler, Tractor Seats, Wagon Rim, BBQ Pit, Misc. Looking for Lawnmower repair, need Jesse Sullivan 306 W. 11th

Trucks F/S 85’ F250 1500, 99’ F250 with 7.3 2500, Storm Window 325-338-8823 / 325-513-3724

L/F Handyman 254-488-2002

Silver plated silverware set 250, 254-488-1402

Rocking Tan Loveseat – 20

L/F travel trailer parts, scrap metal to haul off, any unwanted lawnmowers 254-433-0157

Black Angus Bulls 2yrs Old L/F Coastal Field – 2500 apiece 940-300-8694

300 gallon fuel Tank with stand 200, 23 ft bumper pull construction trailer 500, 70 acre Dove lease taking deposits 95$ per day or 3000 season. 254-631-9938

Couch and Chair Set 488-9032

Bolins Riding lawnmower 400, L/F Water Cooler for water jugs – 254-433-3164

**700 Foch St in Ranger Saturday 8AM. New beginners drum set with case. Books and extra sticks with it. Lots of eastland maverick t shirts, jewelery, stadium bells. Clothes, some name brand and new. Shoes, purses, books, phone cases, games, willowtree figurines. GI Joes, hats, college course books and lots of miscellaneous items. Everything priced to sell!

**7902 Hwy 6 254-488-2002