Large Oak tree to cut down 254-413-2171
1959 Cushman-Eagle scooter, 4 bay tilt trailer, Cement mixer 214-499-7906
L/F someone to tear down a house 254-442-3642
L/F Camper shell 6’x7’ 361-806-3767
18ft Gooseneck, 26ft medium box style with winch hole in tool box, firewood for sale L/F hens and roosters, chainsaw.
2 wave runners with trailer, set of ford wheels, 6×10 trailer 254-629-8259
88 ford bronco And little house in olden needs to be moved, laying hens 254-210-1408
De Leon Estate sale for the late Sue Wilson 9-5, 817-773-5835
L/F Ford 1 ton wheels 16” 254-631-2535
Home theater speaker pair 250 watt 15$, 6ft AV cables 8 boxes 10$ 254-210-3711
Kids Play Kitchen FREE, 325-721-3711
**Garage Sale 435 Bobo St. in Ranger Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Furniture, Clothes, Shoes 647-1398