*Eggs for sale, large, most are brown, on the honor system, box on the tree for money, located at 810 west 13th in Cisco, eggs in ice chest.

L/F house for sale in the Eastland area. 243-0079

Nice GE dishwasher, off white in color, only a couple of years old, works great, nothing wrong with it, $75. 647-5279

*L/F hospital bed, single, need it ASAP. 488-4222 or 631-1496

L/F washing machine. 243-0020

L/F junk iron to haul off. L/F refrigerator. 325-794-6245

Small fridge, works great, asking $30 obo. Border collie, he’s a rescue, he needs a good home and still looking for rewashable adult diapers, call or text. 210-2543

L/F yard work help, don’t need a professional, want someone reasonable, honest, good work ethic, work may include painting outdoors, text 433-9607, leave a message.

Deep freeze and refrigerator for sale. 631-1785

*John deere zero turn riding mower, with Kawasaki motor, turns over doesn’t start, either need a 22 hp Kawasaki motor, or will sell the mower. Push mowers. 19 inch tires for Honda SUV. 629-8259