2007 Ford Diesel, located in Eastland. 432-
Bowflex tread climber, $150, more high end, in good condition. L/F stationary rutomba bike, might be willing to trade. Set of dishes, nice stoneware, $25, most pieces serve 8. 488-1367
L/F cord of mesquite firewood. 631-1785
Bachelor apartment at Lake Leon, $500 per month, $200 deposit, includes all bills except electric, dock privileges. 629-8277 or 540-661-2982
L/F someone to cut large fallen trees and haul them off. 936-647-9731
L/F scrap metal to haul off. 42 inch cut john deere riding mower, pics upon request. Contact Matt 433-0157
*Poland pro riding mower, 48 inch cut, 21 hp engine briggs and straton, $375. DR trimmer. Youth saddle. Adult saddle. 243-0831