L/F junk iron to haul off. 325-794-6245

Seasoned firewood. Sand filter for swimming pool. 488-1880

*3500 watt generator, honda engine, $100. Couple of riding mowers, one like new. Couple of tillers. D.R. trimmer. Gamo 177 pellet gun, camo nylon stock, $65. 243-0831

Electric fireplace, $100, real nice, heats. Tiller, 5 horse, $125, works good. 334-0773

**511 E. Loop 254 in Ranger, this Saturday and next Friday and Saturday, baked goods, handmade glass, barnwood items, purses, caps, new and vintage items.

**Ranger Citizens Task Force Open house corner of Hunt and Loop 254, Friday from 5:30-8pm.