Little girls coat, never worn, very warm, tags still on it, size 5T, tan and cream colored lining, has a hood, $15. 631-8657
L/F scrap metal to haul off and yards to mow. John Deere riding mower for sale. 433-0157
L/F baseball gloves, left handed, 10 of them, in the next couple of hours. 631-1785
2XL scrubs, in good shape, $1/each. Solid wood bookcases, heavy duty, $50/piece. Digital shipping scales, up to 150lbs, $75, they sell for $400 new. L/F blood sugar/glucose tester. 361-806-3767
Young at heart, 309 Conrad Hilton in Cisco, Friday 10-2, Free meal, games, prizes, lots of fun, everybody is welcome.
Heavy duty electric clothes dryer, $40, almost brand new. 434-1163
Icebox, firewood. 334-2261
Set of 15 inch American racing wheels with tires on them. Whole collection of baby ball pythons, will sell all for one price. Nitro bass boat. 433-3164
**Huge Rummage sale, Bethel Baptist Church in Eastland, Friday and Saturday, 9-5 both days, Bake sale and craft sale too, lots of misc. items, huge sale, benefiting indoor repairs on the church.
**Garage sale, Friday and Saturday, 1409 Loop 254 in Ranger, across from the street in Dollar General, lots of glass items, housewares, sheets, household goods, lots of misc. items.
**INSIDE CHRISTMAS SALE @ Sandy Keating’s One Block South of I20 on Highway 183, Friday & Saturday, November 2nd & 3rd, 8 am. New Gifts (including Sterling Silver Jewelry), Collectibles & Household Items. Hugh Markdowns. $3.00 & Under is Buy One – Get One Free. Do Your Christmas Shopping Here!
**Garage sale, CR 546 in Olden, Friday thru Sunday, turn by the trailer park, lots of items
**Garage Sale, 402 West Sadosa Eastland, Saturday, furniture, mens womens teen little girls clothes, household items.