2 marble top tables. Brass containers with blue and white china handles. 631-5999

Small dining table with 4 chairs, $25. Grandfather clock for giveaway, needs to be worked on. 735-7045

L/f junk iron to haul off. 325-794-6245

5 ½ foot all wood desk, $50 obo. 631-3633

Good mens jeans, 28×32, 30×32, 32×32, 34×32, most are wrangler and some are levis. 210-1510

*L/f privacy wooden fence panels, about 4 or 5 of them. 5 foot shredder, 3 point hookup and 3 point hay speer. 20 inch pipe, 8 foot long, make a great smoker. Will sell or trade. 629-8259

15- 3 week old rhode island red chicks, don’t need a light on them anymore, $3/piece. 334-8473

Drift tryke, like a go cart, has new motor, axle sick tires. 433-3875

**Giant Garage Sale, Saturday, 1610 N. 183 in Breckenridge-power generator, air compressor, lots and lots of tools. 559-0180