*L/F wire rabbit pens, 24×24 or 30×30, no wood on them. Couple of tires 225 60 r17’s, in good shape, $15/each.  433-1733

L/F ranger pickup. 10 square bales of good, fertilized coastal hay, horse quality, $8.50/bale. 653-2405

L/F ping pong table with paddles and balls. L/F fusbol table. 433-3255

L-2XL adult diapers, pull ups. L/F small pickup or car reasonably priced. 488-1467

1992 Camaro for parts. 432-816-2570

Parts for sale for riding lawnmowers, some are broken down. Will also sell the riding lawnmower itself. 647-5296

Nice washing machine, Maytag, does work good, clean. 2 inch water pump. Headache rack for a pickup. 35 gallon Gasoline tank. 442-3255

Electric typewriter, $20. Charlie Brown 9 books, 2 stories in one book, $50 obo. Housekeeping and sits with elderly. 210-1318

L/F fridge. 243-0882

L/F someone to do yard work. 433-0936

Ariator for coastal fields and such with spikes, 10 foot wide, 2 foot cylinder on it that can be filled with water to weigh it down, single drum, new tires on it, in great shape, $4800-only used 2 seasons. 631-2535

6 tires for sale, 235 80 17’s. Oak and mesquite firewood for sale. 631-1785

91 Honda accord, $250. 210-2375

Couple of wicker chairs. 2 wrought iron bar stools. Hard back books and paperbacks. Double grinder, on a stand. Drill press. Lots of stuff. Electric tools. 3 or 4 bedroom house for sale in ranger on 3 lots. Antique light fixtures. 488-8839

**Garage sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday, lots of clothes, couch and loveseat, tons of stuff. 403 S. Daugherty

**Garage sale 706 Travis Street in Ranger thru the end of the week, books, hard back books, and lots of stuff