2 bags of quart shell pecans, $10/bag. 271-9762

*1150 BTU window unit, 220 volt. 7000 BTU window unit, 110 volt. Larger window unit, 220 volt. Window awning, mounts on the wall, 7 foot long, 4 of those. 12 32×47, bronze finish storm windows. Gas Dearborn heater. 2 cultured marble lavatory tops. 488-0299

*Brass headboard and footboard, for a queen, $15. 334-8565

L/F one bedroom garage apartment or studio apartment in Cisco. Snare drums, all the parts, just need heads. Electric guitar, licensed by zz top, Texas company guitar, very nice. 325-236-3699

L/F junk iron to haul off. 325-794-6245

5 egg cartons, free to anyone that wants them. Old tomato cages. Several pieces of nice women’s Harley Davidson jewelry. 271-9144

L/F 10 inch table saw. 214-499-7906

L/F scissor lift. 817-925-4656