*Quilt box, big, opens from the side. Picnic table with tractor seats. Lots of other miscellaneous. L/F someone who knows about quilt tops. 306 W. 11th in Cisco.
4 bicycles for sale very cheap-all need tires. Doors. Material that looks like silk for sale. 334-0510
Friendly cat for giveaway, solid black. 629-3251
Dill in the garden, maybe for pickling. 629-8884
96 Chevy ¾ ton pickup. 4 wheel drive, doesn’t run, selling for parts, has the engine, transfer case, rear end in good shape. 488-1467
*250 gallon fuel tank with the stand. 500 gallon portable water tank. 10 foot roll up garage door with hardware. 24 foot construction trailer, great for hunting. 2001 Dodge neon that needs a front headlight. 631-9938
2 inch honda water pump, $150. 433-2299
16 foot ranger bass boat, 75 model, in excellent condition, 7.5 evinrude, totally rigged out. For sale or trade for a nice truck. PS3 with about 20 games, never been played. 433-3164
Lightweight chair, $10. Wheelchair, kinda oddball, $25. 4 reel to reel players, all for $20. 2 coffee tables, one big round, other kinda round and sides fold out, $30 each. 4 swivel rocker patio chairs, still wrapped up in the paper new, $100. Stack of firewood-not sure of kind, $50 obo. 631-6472
L/F someone who would like to graze their horse for free. On about 2 acres, by the airport in ranger. Guild guitar, 25 years old, thread knot, make an offer. 433-1311