L/F house for lease or rent, preferably 2 or 3 bedroom. Doesn’t matter if it’s in town or in the country. 735-7003

*14 foot older model boat, motor and trailer, 7.5 evinrude, all paperwork and it’s stickered. $800. 433-2299

L/F someone that works on water wells. 647-3757

2 indian blue female peacocks, little over a year old. 817-239-8051

15 or so 8 week old rhode island red pullets for sale. Whole passel of bunnies just weened, $10/piece on them, all colors. 433-1733

Light you plug into the wall, $20. Deborah. 817-663-3615

8 foot commercial vent a hood. 4 foot vent a hood. 4 foot vent a hood. 2 double booths. 8 napkin dispensers. . Bathroom sink. 3 compartment sink drains. 2 food warmers. 631-9808

*Dual fast corn nailer for siding and decking and fencing. Box of nails, $120. 433-2299

Gibson maestro guitar, $100 or trade. Bass guitar $50 or trade. 488-0139

*2 crossbows one big with the scope and one smaller, $200. Big go cart that needs motor. Tile cutter. Snap on wire welder. Craftsman 13 inch planer, like new, $195. Brothers surger machine $95. 433-7034

Two young hens that are laying, $15, get a rooster for free! Need a days notice. In cisco. 631-8576

*2 beginner acoustic guitars, nothing fancy but playable, $30 for one and $40 for the other, discount for both! 631-6472

Occasional chair. 2 electric heaters, small. 4 cane bottom chairs and round table with metal pedestal. Couple of lamp shades. Antique dryer. 442-3863

Small freezer-deep freeze, $75. Heat and air and humidifier combo portable unit,$200 obo. Rods and reels $5/piece. 706 Travis Street in Ranger.

*4 wheeler. 433-9929,leave a message or text. 647-3512