*Ben franklin wood burning stove. Majestic fireplace insert with the pipe. 2 old honda motorcycles. 334-9467
L/F electric range. 5.3 chevy vortek motor. 100 gallon aquarium. 2 waverunners on the trailer. 629-8259
96 Chevrolet chassy with motor transfer case, front end, rear end, drive shaft. Small air compressor, $30. 488-1467
2 china tea sets, service for 6, make a beautiful Christmas gift. 488-1887
Couch with recliners on the end, blue, needs to be cleaned up a bit. 2 inch water pump. Calf creek feeder, open on both sides. 442-3255
Mustang. Grandfather clock. Weedeater. 2 boys bicycles. 325-899-9103
L/F older chevy pickup, older than an 83 model, just the body. 442-1025