Golf clubs $200.  Seats from van $200 each.  Four bar stools for sale.  Day bed $200.  325 276 0345

Seven foot couch for sale $250   631-3899

Whirlpool black microwave 631-3899

Whirlpool dishwasher 631-3899

6 recliners $25 per.  631-3899

Two sets washer & dryers $100 each 631-3899

Vent hood with stove 631-3899

Seven-piece dinette set $200 631-3899

53 Ford jubilee tractor $3500 334-0360

Snap on tool box with tools $3000 334 0360

Hay dolly $600  334-0360

Kawasaki Mule side by side $800 334 0360

Two mirrors for sale 629-8579

Cord of seasoned mesquite firwood $240 433 3661

Tiller and a water transfer pump for sale 334 0890