Mobile home, 3 bed, 2 bath. L/F BBQ pit. 325-733-8762
L/F someone to cut some firewood. Call after 4pm 325-668-2255
L/F 100 gallon propane tank. 325-665-9323
Baby chicks Deleware. Black puppies for giveaway, 8 weeks old. 210-1408
L/f junk iron to haul off. 4 tires for sale. 325-794-6245
Cattle panels. 817-773-7737
L/F wood burning stove. 243-0882
*Pecans for sale, $12/quart bag. 433-3281
*L/F 4 top tables for a restaurant, and chairs, 14 tables. Contact El Clarin in Eastland.