*Kirby, comes with accessories and shampooer, $150. Girls bicycle, still brand new in the box, $75. 433-0634

*SAS women’s shoes, size 9, different styles, brand new in the box. Avon watches, $5/piece. 75 gallon propane bottle. Iron bedstead. 631-8805

L/F scrap metal and junk cars and trucks to haul off. 433-0157

*20-30 3 week old chicks, $2.50/piece. 334-8473

*Ninja, 2006, last year of the 500’s, motorcycle, crotch rocket, just over 700 miles, $1K. 433-9122

L/F used 4 inch channel iron. 325-430-5054

*2 wooden barstools, 2 desk chairs, microwave cart, 3 nightstands, glider footstool, 36 inch Victorian doll, new still in the box convection roaster oven, wooden bread box, glass cake plate with lid, L/F someone to do yard work and to also put up a mailbox. Call or text 631-1708