L/F Baby monitor 254 632 8281

f/s stock ford alternator works fine 50$  Dewalt Miter Saw Like new $200 254-488-0032

*25 ft self contained camper new tires & ac, refridgerator—microwave, collectible dolls 254-631-8805

*2003 dustin camper 254-631-8337

*F/S portable black water tank 25$ L/F 4×4 posts 6ft long as many as possible 361-806-3767

Aquarium hamster 6 ft long 2 1/2 ft wide 100 gal 40$ commercial power washer 5 55gal barrels 254-629-8259

L/F Fish finder lf chilton book Toyota rav4 1996 entertainment speakers 20$ 254-210-1797

Lenovo Laptop F/S 320 gig hard drive 420 giga ram windows 10 175$ desktop for sale 100$ 433-1983

Gauges for sale – blue boat 70 hp evinrude 325-455-4008

Go-Kart 2 seater new tires/parts 850$ 805 w 7th in cisco 631 9588

Furniture 631-7495

*3bd 2 ½ mobile home on 2 ½ acres 40,000 at lake leon 254-488-0905

F/S baby high chair, several 17” tires, and a 5th wheel trailer hitch        488-2590

2 indian blue peacocks 3 4 month old boer 817-239-8051

88 ford bronco And little house in olden needs to be moved, laying hens  254-210-1408