Like new, less than 19 metered hours, John Deere D105 lawn and garden tractor, $750. Call or text 907-388-5076

*Still asking for donations for back to school supplies project for Siebert Elementary, mail donations to FUMC 215 S. Mulberry, mark donation to project.

16 foot flatbed trailer, $400. 477-3359

Wooden daybed for giveaway, clothes hamper and exercise bike. Today if possible. 631-8657, 1300 Spring road in Ranger.

Dishwasher for giveaway, works good. 433-0381

2 bedroom unfurnished rent house in Cisco, $475/month. Call Tim 488-2768

*L/F small utility trailer, about 8 foot or so. 653-2405

Tree to cut down and you can keep the wood. 631-8805

*Whirlpool electric dryer, $50. 488-1819

L/F scrap metal to haul off and yards to mow. 2001 PT Cruiser driver side door. 433-0157

50 gallon water heater. 2 – 30 gallon water heaters. All run on natural gas. Bass boat with Yamaha 70hp motor, needs some work. Call or text 433-0157 or 325-455-4008

1940s Maytag washer. 477-3359

6-1/2 month old Anatolian puppy, pure bred, been running goats since birth, $200. Can be picked up between Eastland and Cisco. 631-3064