L/F Craftsman riding mower, doesn’t have to run. L/F automatic transmission for 1985 chevy pickup. 433-0157
Job box, Greenly, 24x24x48, $100. Trac lighting, $20. Hot tub cover, $40. 488-1819
House in Eastland for rent, 1 bedroom, fully furnished, nice and clean. 631-4288
2001 Chevy Silverado for parts, has a good vortek motor, tranny, rear end, all 4 wheel drive parts, pretty new 16 inch tires, Pat 210-1624
1994 Sierra, 4×4. Call or text 631-7930
Hartman trunk with 2 original keys, $100, interior in super condition, exterior needs a bit of furniture polish. 210-1891
Lost a gigantic bundle of keys somewhere between South I-20 access road and Spur 490. 631-8320
2004 Ford Winnebago mini, E450 motor, 31 foot, 12 foot slide on it, brand new queen bed, a/c works, only has 20,000 miles on it, parked at Certified Auto. 433-1870
Swivel chair and couch, $50 obo. Brown hide a bed couch, $40. 410 S. Oaklawn. 488-0905, call after 4pm.
L/F children’s swingset, reasonably priced. 631-1191, leave a message and will call you back.
**2 family yard sale, Saturday only @7 am, 411 E. Pershing in Eastland, lots of good stuff.
**Yard sale 7902 Hwy 6, Thursday thru Sunday 9-5, few miles east of Cisco on North side of the road, kids up to plus size womens clothes, other stuff, tools.
**East 21st in Cisco, all the way to then end, apartment 24, Friday only.
**Hwy 6 in between Eastland and Cisco, Saturday and Sunday 7-2, lawnmowers, stove, knick knacks, lots of stuff
**The Vine Church in Cisco across from the Feed mill, Friday and Saturday, all proceeds going back to VBS, donations welcome.
**320 N. Lamar in Eastland, today only, boys and girls clothes, toys, new womens bike, craftsman tools, kids selling lemonade.