Robot vacuum cleaner, works good, $25. Christmas lights, $1/each strand. Christmas blow up. Halloween blow up. 595-6445 

Sun dolphin paddle boat, has been garage kept. XM boombox. 432-894-1887 

Double creek feeder. 631-8805 

Pop up camper for sale, needs some work, canvas is good. $200. 210-2543

Bunch of month old baby chicks, pure bred white leggerns, $5/piece, all pullets. 433-1947 

Vintage horton collectibles. 817-307-8344 

**Garage Sale, Friday and Saturday,  500 South Seaman in Eastland, stroller, boys and girls clothes, some tools, household items, craft items, and lemonade stand. 

Garage Sale Eastland 1427 HWY 112 

Yard Sale 207 S Conley Eastland today and tomorrow 8-5 

Monitor, 2 nice printers, jewelry boxes, washer LG Large capacity white $150, 254-433-1075, has some puzzles 

Weed eater brand new, weed eater(?), air fitler, lawn mower, some tools, $150 Breckenridge,TX 254-246-9105 

200FT 4FT CHAIN LINKS 325-280-6466 

Pickup and 2 trailers dodge diesel new tires 6 by 20 cattle top trailer 8 by 20 foot flatbed 254-734-5273 

212 w.8th st Cisco Roll top desk 40 dollars, furmiture, jewely knives coins records noon, 10 to noon Saturday