85’ F250 1200, 99’ F250 8500, L/F handiwork 325-762-0282 325-338-8832

L/F Electric Ice Cream Maker 629-1877

2 Computers Lenovo 175, Desktop 254-433-3983

10×20 House/Shed 977-4384

L/F storage building 254-631-4199

88 ford bronco Standard, little house in Olden needs to be moved, ringneck doves, chicken cages 254-210-1408

Counter Top Dishwasher 140$, white whirlpool gas stove 50 254-488-2999

Bird Cage 85, Yamaha 24 channel Mixer 300 obo 254-631-9278

Roll Top Desk 120 806-317-6021

L/F travel trailer parts, scrap metal to haul off, any unwanted lawnmowers 254-433-0157

12 bags of wood pellets for wood pellet stove, motor kit for bicycle 325-513-4818

Chest deep freeze, volkawagen frame and motor 1500, 81 ford truck trade for small car, misc 433-9342 Or 442 1269

**700 Foch St in Ranger Saturday 8AM. New beginners drum set with case. Books and extra sticks with it. Lots of eastland maverick t shirts, jewelery, stadium bells. Clothes, some name brand and new. Shoes, purses, books, phone cases, games, willowtree figurines. GI Joes, hats, college course books and lots of miscellaneous items. Everything priced to sell!

**7902 Hwy 6 254-488-2002

**Garage Sale in Cisco Til 7 Friday 1401 Bullard St.